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Find out how Ehrlich’s technicians can utilize a year-round preventative program that targets common pests in every season.

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Year-Round Pest Protection
The information featured on this page is based on our best estimates of pricing, package details, contract stipulations, and service available at the time of writing. This is not a guarantee. All information is subject to change. Pricing will vary based on various factors, including, but not limited to the customer’s location. For the most accurate information, please ask your customer service representative. Clarify all fees and contract details before signing a contract or finalizing your purchase.
Cities with Ehrlich Pest Control Locations
Get Rid of Pests for Good
Call your local Ehrlich Pest Control provider today to access seasonal offers and quotes tailored to your specific pest problem.

Targeted Services for Homes in the Midwestern U.S.
Most states in the Midwest live through a big climate range from summer to winter, bringing out a wide variety of pests year-round. Though it doesn’t get as hot in Michigan compared to more southern states, you’ll still have to deal with pests like spiders, mites, centipedes and millipedes. All of these insects are small enough to easily make their way inside your home, and you may have already noticed some. Pest control technicians in Michigan are fully trained to deal with these pests, and they can help you protect your home from future infestations. After you call for an initial quote, they’ll conduct a full inspection of your home and suggest the best methods for your pest problem. These methods might vary depending on the current season, the pests you’re dealing with, or if you only need preventative measures.
Choose from a Variety of Treatment Options
Ehrlich has been a U.S. pest control provider for nearly 100 years. It currently resides under the Rentokil family of pest providers, which allows technicians to access state of the art technology and services. By choosing Ehrlich technicians, you’ll receive a free initial inspection and customized treatment options. Technicians are trained to deal with common infestations like ants, rodents and fleas, but can also take care of stubborn problems like bedbugs and termites. Call Ehrlich today and ask about their 30-day guarantee. The company promises prompt service and free retreatments to get rid of your problem in 30 days, or your money back.